Thursday, March 10, 2016


Today was a great day.  Some might say the #BestSchoolDay.  I have been super lucky using the crowd funding site Donors Choose to get lots of essential and what most would consider non-essential, but really cool, materials for my classroom.  I started on the site my first year teaching and today I hit a milestone.

Stephen Colbert worked with 50 athletes, actors, and entrepreneurs to completely fund projects in certain areas of the country.  I was lucky enough to have two projects fully funded today by Elsa Brule!  That makes a total of 20 since I started.  I couldn't be more excited especially since one of the projects was for new cooking supplies that we will share with two classrooms for students with autism in our building.  Our other project was for consumable materials like markers, crayons, play dough, and colored pencils.

We got 15 SmartBoard games
Trampoline is a classroom favorite for sure

Donors Choose has made a huge impact on my classroom and teaching.  It's always very surprising and exciting to get a project funded.  I also get very excited to pay it forward and select other teachers to help out along the way with my own donations to the site.  While flash funding is news worthy and amazing, it doesn't happen often.  But my classroom is proof that projects can get funded and make a difference.

Cube Chairs that were funded
Donated light table and manipulatives

Check out our classroom page or any other classroom for that matter on the Donors Choose site!

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